Jul 2·edited Jul 2Liked by Rapa-Nui

Thanks for the contrast between EMEA Continentals and Pro Tour MH3, which both happened on the same weekend. Watching Bant Nadu was atrocious and constructed Magic is just an exercise in frustration. For two-players, I'd rather play Netrunner. For 4-players, I rather play a board game. That being said, I enjoy mtg draft; power outliers there are interesting and I think a creature beater is a great game for Limited gameplay and the Timmy player type.

And that is why cube is Magic's best format. It highlights Limited gameplay, fosters community building, allows the majority of people to show up empty-handed, can be played with proxies, and is as far removed from the company while still interacting with their product.

Thanks for these write ups! It is good to hear what's on your mind

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Jul 2·edited Jul 2Author

Cube is great.

Drafting Netrunner is pretty much the most fun one can have with cardboard, but it's a very rare treat.

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