Jun 18Liked by Rapa-Nui

I've never done explicit cash prizes, but a couple of the stores we've hosted at have allowed the tournament fee pool to be turned into store credit for the winner(s). I definitely enjoy playing for low-but-extant stakes like this, but I understand why someone might object.

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One of the things I love about Netrunner even at the more Competitive level is that there's a culture of sportsmanship around things like takebacks and cooperating to fix the game state. Introducing monetary incentive is probably correctly perceived to create an erosive force against that painstakingly built social capital. This is the strongest argument against cash tournaments, and I don't really have a clean counterargument. I do think there is a time and a place for it, although it's probably not at a Nationals or Worlds type event where people just wanna hang with cool people and be chill.

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QTM decks are built as a group, attributing them to a single person is highly inaccurate.

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I assume you're referring to:

> The thing I’ve been calling “Jan Tuno Esa”

No attribution was supposed to be implied, but I can see how one could get that impression. At any rate, duly noted.

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